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News & Announcements

  • 01 Jul 2020 4:09 PM | Anonymous

    On March 20, 2020, in light of the growing COVID-19 pandemic and its expected impacts in Illinois, the Illinois Power Agency adopted the following emergency amendment to its Adjustable Block Program and Illinois Solar for All Program Marketing Guidelines:

    In-person marketing and solicitation: Given the public health emergency posed by the COVID-19 virus, in-person marketing or solicitation of photovoltaic system sales, installations, or financing; in-person marketing or solicitation of community solar subscriptions; or similar in-person solar marketing or solicitation activity are prohibited. 

    Clarifications to these requirements were offered on May 18, 2020, along with additional guidance on June 4, 2020.

    This update confirms that the IPA’s prohibition of door-to-door sales and solicitation remains in place. Although the state has progressed to Phase 4 (out of 5) of the Restore Illinois Reopening Plan, Governor JB Pritzker’s COVID-19-related disaster proclamation was again extended for 30 days on June 26, 2020, recognizing that COVID-19 remains a significant public health risk to Illinois residents. The Illinois Commerce Commission’s emergency order prohibiting door to door sales by Alternative Retail Electric Suppliers and Alternative Gas Suppliers also remains in place. As identified COVID-19 cases have also risen nationally, the Agency believes this would be an inappropriate time to start permitting in-person interactions initiated without a customer, homeowner, or business owner’s express permission.

    Prior-issued guidance regarding best practices and permitted activities remains in effect. Should you have questions about whether specific practices are permitted, please contact IPA Chief Legal Counsel Brian Granahan at

  • 24 Jun 2020 3:59 PM | Anonymous

    The deadline for submitting comments on the Request for Feedback for Job Training and Solar Workforce Diversity reporting requirements has been extended to Thursday, July 2, 2020. Please submit comments to

    As part of this comment process, the Agency also requests that stakeholders provide comments on reasonable timelines and compliance periods for the submittal of diversity and job training information.

    Finally, the opening of the Approved Vendor Annual Report portal is now planned for July 1, 2020 (as opposed to the June 22, 2020 date from the Request for Comments). As noted in the Request for Feedback, Annual Reports are due on July 15, 2020, but will not initially contain spaces for entry of diversity and job training information. Those categories will be added upon completion of this stakeholder feedback process.

  • 04 Jun 2020 2:40 PM | Anonymous

    On March 20, 2020, in light of the growing COVID-19 pandemic and its expected impacts in Illinois, the Illinois Power Agency adopted the following emergency amendment to its Adjustable Block Program and Illinois Solar for All Program Marketing Guidelines:

    In-person marketing and solicitation: Given the public health emergency posed by the COVID-19 virus, in-person marketing or solicitation of photovoltaic system sales, installations, or financing; in-person marketing or solicitation of community solar subscriptions; or similar in-person solar marketing or solicitation activity are prohibited. 

    Clarifications to these requirements were offered on May 18, 2020, along with a statement that further guidance would be offered during the first week of June.  This communication offers that guidance.

    While all four regions of the state successfully achieved Phase 3 (out of 5) of the State of Illinois’s Restore Illinois Reopening Plan on May 29th—thus demonstrating that COVID-19 infection rates, hospitalizations, and ICU capacity remain stable or are decreasing—the IPA does not believe that a full elimination of its in-person marketing and solicitation prohibition is warranted.

    As outlined most recently in Governor J.B. Pritzker’s May 29, 2020 disaster proclamation, COVID-19 remains a significant public health threat to Illinois residents.  By way of example, the two days prior to this June 4, 2020 announcement featured official totals of over 200 new COVID-19-related fatalities and over 2500 new positive cases in Illinois.  While hospitalization rates, fatalities, and positive testing rates have recently been declining from peak levels, they remain at levels significant enough to continue to constitute a public health emergency across Illinois.

    Although Phase 3 of the Restore Illinois Plan permits gatherings of 10 people or fewer, those gatherings presumably involve individuals acquiescing to person-to-person interactions.  This is not the case for door-to-door sales and solicitation.  An at-risk individual may believe that a visitor to his or her residence is delivering groceries, pharmaceutical drugs, or other true necessities rather than soliciting a product that the individual does not need.  To prevent these and other unwanted interactions during an ongoing pandemic, and to ensure that Illinois residents and business have positive experiences under a ratepayer-funded incentive program, the IPA believes that while certain aspects of its restrictions should be loosened, door-to-door sales and solicitation will remain prohibited. (The Agency notes that the Illinois Commerce Commission’s emergency order prohibiting door to door sales by Alternative Retail Electric Suppliers and Alternative Gas Suppliers also remains in place.)

    The Illinois Power Agency will revisit this decision in approximately two to three weeks’ time.  Absent any new announcements from the Agency, this prohibition will remain in place.


    In light of the progress that has been made to date, one prior clarification has been revisited.  Passive forms of in-person marketing and solicitation – such as tabling at retail stores or events, or door-to-door distribution of marketing materials such as advertising flyers – are no longer prohibited.  While these activities could increase the likelihood of unnecessary person-to-person interactions, such an increase would be small or already agreed-to through participation in existing commercial channels.  Any permitted door-to-door distribution of marketing materials must consist only of distribution of materials (with no notification—such as door knocking or ringing of a doorbell—allowed) and not include any other marketing or solicitation activities, including in-person sales or solicitation, until such time as the potential customer has received and read those materials and initiated an entirely separate follow-up conversation.

    Additionally, in-person meetings with prospective or existing customers (such as a follow-up to an online or phone discussion) are not prohibited so long as expressly agreed to by that customer.  The IPA strongly discourages any high-pressure tactics used to secure such meetings, however, and requests that all Approved Vendors, designees, agents, and subcontractors strongly consider whether virtual meetings, e-signatures, or other telecommunication practices can instead be utilized.  Approved Vendors, designees, agents, and subcontractors must respect the wishes of existing or prospective customers who do not wish to meet in-person.

    The IPA and its Program Administrators are taking steps to cross-check project applications and disclosure forms received during this in-person sales and marketing prohibition through follow-up with select customers.  These checks are being made to ensure that prohibited sales and solicitation practices are not in fact being utilized.

    Should you have questions about whether specific other sales practices are permitted, please contact IPA Chief Legal Counsel Brian Granahan at  To the extent not expressly addressed above or otherwise clear, whether a sales practice is permitted under the IPA’s emergency COVID-19-related marketing guidelines will generally depend on whether a) the sales activity could result in person-to-person interactions without the consent of the prospective customer and b) whether a viable alternative avoiding person-to-person interaction can be identified.


    In conducting permitted sales and solicitation activity, the IPA strongly encourages that certain best practices be adopted.

    • First, as noted above, person-to-person interactions should be minimized. If business can instead be conducted through phone, email, Zoom chats, utilizing e-signatures, or otherwise using mediums non-reliant on person-to-person interactions, public health interests as served by utilizing those measures.
    • Second, even under Phase 3 of the Governor J.B. Pritzker’s Restore Illinois Plan, certain best practices continue to be required. For example, utilizing face coverings in public still stands as a requirement under Phase 3 just as it was under Phase 2.  And while certain industries can begin returning to workplaces, social distancing and proper sanitization practices are required to be put in place.  The IPA believes these practices should likewise be required for any solar sales and solicitation practices involving any in-person interactions, and strongly encourages Approved Vendors to ensure that any sales agents or other individuals interfacing with customers are specifically trained in how to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19.
    • Third, even if certain practices are not prohibited under the requirements issued by the IPA, Approved Vendors, designees, subcontractors, and agents should understand and operate mindful of any local requirements (some of which may be stricter than IPA requirements).


    Nothing in the IPA’s in-person marketing and solicitation prohibition is intended to address whether corporate, satellite, or other offices of an Approved Vendor, designee, subcontractor, or agent may reopen.  The IPA understands those decisions to be governed by the Governor’s five-phase Restore Illinois Plan and, once permitted by state and local authorities, subject to the determinations of that company’s leadership.

  • 19 May 2020 3:04 PM | Anonymous

    The Illinois Power Agency provides the following communication as an update and clarification of its prohibition on in-person marketing and solicitation issued on March 20, 2020.

    At present, the IPA’s emergency revisions to its marketing guidelines prohibiting in-person marketing and solicitation remain in effect until further notice. In responding to questions about when that prohibition may be lifted, the IPA has offered the following statement:

    Given the unknown trajectory of COVID-19 and by when social distancing measures can safely be eased, the Illinois Power Agency cannot offer an estimate for by when person-to-person solar solicitations will be once again allowed under the Adjustable Block Program or the Illinois Solar for All Program. However, the Agency’s approach is likely to track the approach taken by the Illinois Commerce Commission and other state public utility commissions regarding their in-person solicitation prohibitions applicable to retail electric supply products. In addition, the Agency will also be closely monitoring the Governor’s Executive Orders, disaster declaration, and stay-at-home orders before making any determination.

    The IPA understands that some (and possibly all) regions of Illinois may reach Phase 3 in Governor J.B. Pritzker’s Restore Illinois Reopening Plan on May 29th. While a change to a region’s status will not necessarily determine whether the IPA’s in-person marketing and solicitation prohibition remains in place for that region, the IPA plans to assess the basis for its prohibition at that time and hopes to offer further guidance during the first week of June. Possible changes could include relaxation of prohibitions for certain regions or for select types of activities, but no determinations have yet been made, nor will be made, until that time.

    Over the past two months, the IPA has received questions about the scope of the current prohibitions; clarifications offered are memorialized below.

    • Project development work (such as system installation) is not prohibited under the IPA’s revised marketing guidelines. However, all Approved Vendors should operate mindful of this ongoing public health emergency and the Governor’s Executive Orders. Additionally, under no circumstances should installation activity proceed over the objections of the customer or property owner.
    • More passive forms of in-person marketing and solicitation – such as tabling at retail stores or events, or door-to-door distribution of marketing materials such as advertising flyers – are prohibited. The IPA’s objective is to reduce unnecessary person-to-person contact in connection with the marketing of photovoltaic systems or community solar subscriptions, and these activities increase the likelihood of unnecessary person-to-person interactions.

    Lastly, should you have any questions about the scope of this prohibition, please contact the IPA’s Chief Legal Counsel at

    We look forward to providing you with additional guidance in approximately two weeks’ time.

  • 14 May 2020 4:35 PM | Anonymous

    State leverages Rebuild Illinois Dollars to Support Public Infrastructure Projects and Construction Jobs for Summer

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, May 12, 2020


    Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) today announced Fast-Track Public Infrastructure Grants, an initiative to accelerate work on planned public infrastructure projects around the state. The State is expediting $25 million of existing Rebuild Illinois funding to local public infrastructure projects that are ready to begin work this summer, as many local governments face lost revenues, impacting their ability to finance these projects.

    While COVID-19 places a unique economic burden on communities across the state, this shift in grant funding will help accelerate construction on planned infrastructure projects, while helping return skilled labor to work.

    “I’m proud to announce we are moving forward with $25 million in DCEO grants to help local governments jumpstart public infrastructure projects for the summer construction season,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “This will keep key public infrastructure projects in the pipeline, and support the return of skilled labor to job sites for the busy summer season. Starting today, local governments with shovel ready projects – including school districts, townships, and other entities – can apply for this funding.”

    The Fast-Track program leverages funding from Rebuild Illinois, the state’s multi-year capital plan, for allocation to shovel-ready projects just in time for the summer construction season. Fast-Track frontloads a portion of an existing Notice of Funding, to expedite funds available for grants ranging in size between $500,000 and $5 million. Funding will be awarded on a rolling basis, with projects submitted in underserved areas to be given priority.

    “We recognize the unique challenge and burdens that COVID-19 is placing on us all, and we are taking steps to provide relief to businesses and communities,” said DCEO Director Erin Guthrie. "Through the Fast Track Public Infrastructure Grants Program, the administration will provide a much-needed boost for workers across the state as well as the critical infrastructure projects our state depends on."

    The Fast-Track grants will help restore key public works projects that may have otherwise been cancelled and will help skilled labor return to the job in time for the construction season. Funds can be used to support projects such as expansions of water and sewer systems and reinvestment to modernize schools and other public buildings.

    “This program is about putting people back on the job now,” said Illinois AFL-CIO President Tim Drea. “We applaud Gov. Pritzker for being proactive and innovative. The return of every dollar spent on public works is another brick in rebuilding our economy – both in terms of jobs created and economic development created by improved infrastructure.”

    Eligible grantees are local governments and other public entities with significant public infrastructure projects that could commence work within 90 days of receiving award notice. Projects eligible for grant funding must be public assets, must be permanent in nature and must not have recurring project expenses. Fast-Track projects must meet shovel-ready criteria, as well as the minority business participation requirements of the State of Illinois' Business Enterprise Program. To apply for the grants, please visit

    These Fast Track grants accelerate a portion of an ongoing $50 million Notice of Funding Opportunity for public infrastructure. Communities that need more time or that do not have projects that meet the shovel-ready criteria may submit an application to receive a grant for the remainder of the funds by June 30.

    Source funding for the Fast Track grants is generated by Rebuild Illinois– a $45 billion plan passed by Governor Pritzker to provide the state’s first comprehensive capital plan in more than a decade. DCEO has been charged with spearheading a number of Rebuild Illinois programs, including investments to expand broadband capacity, fund new public works projects, incentivize business development, and other initiatives designed to promote economic growth for all communities across the state.

    The Fast Track grants program is one of a number of economic assistance initiatives designed by DCEO to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic—with relief programs making more than $100 million available to Illinois communities in response to COVID-19. These emergency relief initiatives include the Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program, Emergency Hospitality Grants, the Emergency Small Business Loan Fund, and other targeted assistance to serve businesses and communities with the greatest needs.

    DCEO will conduct a series of webinars and outreach to local governments to provide information on the new Fast Track grants. For a list of upcoming webinars as well as a list of resources available to small businesses please visit DCEO's website.

    # # #

  • 27 Apr 2020 1:51 PM | Anonymous

    Upon the closure of Group A Small DG Block 1 on March 31, 2020 at 4:59pm, the opening capacity of Group A Small DG Block 2 is 16.725 MWac.

    The Program Administrator announced on April 1, 2020 that Group A Small DG Block 1 had closed. Per Section 6.3.2 of the Revised Long-Term Plan, this Block was held open for an additional 7 calendar days beyond the date on which it had reached capacity. Any Group A Small DG applications submitted as part of a paid batch on or prior to March 31, 2020 at 4:59 PM Central Prevailing Time were allocated to Block 1, and thus received Block 1 pricing, provided that the application fee was paid within 10 business days following batch submittal. Any Group A Small DG applications submitted as part of a paid batch after that time will be allocated to Block 2.

    The capacity allocated to Block 1 during this 7-day soft close period impacts the capacity available for Block 2. Any applications submitted as part of a paid batch during the soft close period that exceeded the original 22 MW capacity of Group A Small DG Block 1 were deducted from the original capacity of 22 MW for Group A Small DG Block 2. Because an additional 5.275 MW of capacity was allocated to Group A Small DG Block 1 during the soft close period (for a total of 27.275 MW of Block 1 capacity), Group A Small DG Block 2 has an opening capacity of 16.725 MW, not the original capacity of 22 MW.

    The final calculation of the opening capacity of Group A Small DG Block 2 was not known until at least 10 business days had passed from the closure of Block 1. Capacity allocated to projects in Group A Small DG Block 1 that are subsequently withdrawn will be added to Group A Small DG Block 2 capacity.

  • 14 Jan 2020 10:35 AM | Deleted user

    The submission deadline for the Call for Participation at SOLAR 20/20 has been EXTENDED to February 1! Share your research, programs, operations, personal actions, and visions at SOLAR 20/20! Learn more at or contact

  • 11 Dec 2019 9:51 AM | Deleted user

    Congratulations to Ticket Number 5887 held by Jeff from Michigan!

    Thank you all for participating in ISEA's 2019 Tesla Model X Raffle! Even if you did not win, you contributed to an important cause: the future of renewable energy.

    ISEA is committed to advocating for sound state policies to support the funding and growth of renewable energy. ISEA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and the state resource for renewable energy related policy developments, educational classes, events and access to local renewable energy businesses. ISEA also organizes grassroots advocacy and relays essential information to legislators concerning renewable energy.

    Continue supporting renewable energy by becoming an ISEA member.

    If you did not win the raffle this year, look out for the announcement of the 2020 Tesla Raffle! Don't miss this important announcement by following ISEA on facebook and twitter!

    We cannot thank you enough for all your support to not only ISEA, but also the future of renewable energy.


    Illinois Solar Energy Association

  • 11 Dec 2019 9:49 AM | Deleted user

    The Illinois Solar Energy Association is in the process of organizational changes in order to continue to advance our mission to promote the widespread application of solar in Illinois. 

    Founded in 1979 as a 501(c)3 non-profit, the organization was focused on public education for the majority of its history. In the last decade ISEA expanded its efforts to include working to ensure stable policies and regulations for solar development in Illinois. 

    Currently ISEA is 600 members strong comprised of both business and individual memberships. In order to ensure that the dual focus of education and advocacy continues to grow along with the industry and development in the state, ISEA is launching a 501(c)6 nonprofit trade association.  This organization will allow ISEA to expand its efforts in policy and advocacy. All ISEA business members will be part of the 501(c)6 trade association beginning in 2020 and individual members will remain members of the 501(c)3. 

    All current Illinois Solar Energy Association members will be asked to vote to change the name of the 501(c)3 to the Illinois Solar Education Association in elections taking place in December. The Illinois Solar Energy Association will become the name of the trade association.

    We at ISEA are very excited about these changes and believe that the two organizations working in tandem will best support the growth of clean energy in our state!

    Let’s keep growing!

    Lesley McCain

    Executive Director

  • 26 Nov 2019 1:55 PM | Deleted user

    Early Bird Discount Ends Dec. 1st!  
    Hosted by the Midwest Renewable Energy Association

    What is the Solar Training Academy?
    The Solar Training Academy was developed to prepare students for careers in the solar industry, and give participants a leg-up when pursuing solar jobs. And Solar Installer is one of the fastest growing jobs in the US!

    Designed to fit your busy schedule, our Solar Training Academies are a series of weekend classes providing students with industry-leading solar technical training. Topics include photovoltaic (PV) fundamentals, PV site assessment practices, and design principles and considerations.

    Upon academy completion, students qualify to sit for the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) PV Associate Exam, an increasingly sought-after solar credential valued by the industry.

    Learn more and register:



Illinois Solar Energy Association c/o Shamrock Electric
 | 1281 E. Brummel Ave Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

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