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Nominations Open for ISEA Board Elections

28 Nov 2018 1:28 PM | Anonymous

The Illinois Solar Energy Association is pleased to announce that the application period for the Board of Directors 2019/20 election is now open. Three seats are being run.

The ISEA Board of Directors represents the membership of the organization by providing direction and support.

Prior to applying, please review the Board of Director position description and responsibilities.

Please visit this page to access the application process and election details.

Electronic submissions of candidacy, as outlined in the application process, will be accepted until 12 PM, local time on December 5, 2018.

Please use "ISEA 2019/20 Board of Elections Nomination" as the subject line of your email to indicate your intentions. 

Candidates also have the opportunity to announce their candidacy during the ISEA Member Meeting on December 6th. Such candidates should prepare a written statement of their candidacy, based on the application guidelines.



Illinois Solar Energy Association c/o Shamrock Electric
 | 1281 E. Brummel Ave Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

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