Solar PV Raffle ticket sales end on Saturday, April 16th at 11pm CST
ISEA will be drawing the winner of our Solar PV Raffle at the
Wild & Scenic Film Festival
April 22, 2016 6:30-9:30pm
Countryside Church Unitarian Universalist
1025 N. Smith St, Palatine, IL
Join us for the Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Palatine! This is the second year hosting this event, sponsored by the Northwest Cook County Group of the Illinois Sierra Club and by Countryside Church Unitarian Universalist. They will screen two hours of short films celebrating nature and our connection to it, and telling the stories of activists working to preserve our environment for future generations. Admission is free. Advanced registration through Eventbrite is encouraged, but not required. A $5 per person donation is requested to help cover the cost of licensing the films.
For more information, click here.