You’re Invited...
The Illinois Solar Tour, on Saturday, October 4th, 2014 is a FREE PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE to demonstrate how home and business owners are utilizing solar, wind, geothermal heat pumps, passive solar design, and energy efficiency to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and to be energy independent.
You can visit any site at any time between 10 am and 2 pm. Homeowners will be available at each site to provide information, share experiences and answer questions.
Attend the Solar Tour to:
• meet people who have renewable energy installations, learn why they did it, the process, what they love about it and lessons learned.
• learn about the different technologies and see how they are installed
• hear about how different renewable energy technologies can work together
• find out all of the ways you can use renewable energy to power your life
Attend the tour and get all of your renewable energy questions answered!
Sign up to volunteer your home as a host site or sign up to attend one or more of these open houses! Sponsorships available.
Visit our Solar Tour page for more information.