The ISEA is made up of incredible people who support solar in many ways:
• through membership which funds ISEA programs
• by installing renewable energy on their home or business
• by working in the renewable energy industry
• by volunteering
• and by being a Solar Ambassador!
Just recently several ISEA members have stepped up as Solar Ambassadors sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm for solar with others to expand awareness and support solar development!
Peter Gorr was recently recognized by the Illinois Sierra Club for his work educating and influencing municipalities on greening their electric supply! Read about how Peter walks the walk with his own home solar installation. The ISEA will be hosting a Solar Social on August 4th at Peters home.
Rich Born, a lifetime ISEA member, educated a gro
up of 20 junior high girls from the Northern Illinois University Enhancing Engineering Pathways (NIU-EEP) program about solar on June 14th. Rich is a retired educator who loves to teach and share his enthusiasm for solar. He has a 5 kW photovoltaic system and a Chevy Volt.
Susan Tauck and Bill Wawak, who have both participated in the Solar Tour for several years, volunteered to share their renewable energy experiences and installations with 8 teachers who are participating in an Energy and Ag class through the McHenry County Farm Bureau. Both Tauck and Wawak have PV, solar thermal and wind installations.

Thank you to these Solar Ambassadors and any others who are sharing their passion for solar with others. Let's continue to spread the word that Illinois is Ready for Solar!